888 Tiger Casino

888 Tiger Casino

It's a rare thing that an online gambling site brings together the best, brightest, and highest paying things from all over the net into one location. Usually when people try to do that, there's a catch. The site doesn't load right, the games suck, or anything really. Not so here, however! They actually pulled it off, and to be honest, we're not entirely sure how. It's one of the biggest online collections we've seen, an eclectic mix from all over, and a hand picked bunch of the best games in our fair business.

If you're into anything that has to do with gambling in the slightest, you'll probably have a wonderful time here. They put it all together with a unified login scheme, accept as much or more sources of funding as we've ever seen, and give you a lot of bonuses all the while which makes you feel valued as a player and like you're getting your money's worth. Technically, getting more than your money's worth!

Anyone interested in a one stop shop for everything online gambling can do so here. It's everything we wanted and more, and we loved every minute of it.

Welcomes with Open Arms USA / Australia / Canada / Europe Players

Although there's a somewhat Asian bend to the site, this place accepts anyone from all over the internet. If you can login, have a payment account, and are looking to gamble, you're welcome here! The most popular countries are the Western and European variety for sure based on the forums we read, but anyone is encouraged to jump in here. Among all the sites on the net, this one had the fewest regional restrictions going on, and did everything they could to make new players feel welcome, regardless of their region of origin.

New Slots Added Very Frequently

In a site like this, we had a hard time believing they didn't have every single slot in the business already on the site. To our surprise, when we came back time and again, there were new games being added to the tracker all the time! It was a surprise indeed because of how large the catalog already was. You could probably play the games on the site at the time of this writing and never manage to get to all of them. Despite that, they kept on adding more, making us wonder just how many slots there actually are online, and just how many one site can handle. They at times give you incentives to play different games, but the biggest for us is easily the fact that they add in new ones and we can be among the first to play them. All of the games on the site are great, but we tend to find that the new additions have a bit of shine to them that make them stand out. In a good way.

Lots of Casino Slots!

This, like many places, is the main attraction here, despite having a bookie and sports betting and all else. You'll find the most variety, the most winnings, and the most fun here we suspect, them bringing together a dream team from all over the internet to handle everything at once.

They have games from every major publisher, some you've never even seen before, and enough games on the list that you won't ever have time to go around and spin them all. We had fun attempting to while reviewing the site, but we never managed to get to the bottom, even though we know we can play them for free and just jump to the next after having a good go of one. It's great, we love it, and have a fun time just seeing what's new in the catalog!

Casino Games Besides Slots!

We have a soft spot for slots online, and this site definitely takes the cake on that, but we appreciate that they're more than a one trick pony on the internet when it comes to that. It's a fair thing to see every online form of gambling you can imagine at your finger tips any time you log in, partially thanks to the log in bonuses giving you a lot of extra money to work with any time you give it a go.

We had never tried many of these types of games before, including the bookie, but they were just as fun as slots, and who knows? In an alternate life, maybe we'd have preferred games like them to the slots we adore so much. We don't have any problem recommending this site to people that hate online slot games because of just how much variety they have put together in such a quick and accessible way!

The A List of Casino Software

Most sites have a major provider or two that rounds out most of the games. Rival Gaming is one of the biggest, followed by Betsoft and the rest. This site, however, has Saucify, Spinomenal, Tom Horn Enterprise, and even Vivo Gaming. We hadn't even heard of most of those, but are glad to have had the opportunity to be introduced to them! We never thought we'd be playing games like those, and soon found ourselves addicted to them in a nice and fun way.

If you are looking for games you literally haven't seen anywhere else, and we mostly mean in a good way, then you'll love the nice pack they've put together here. It's a fun way to introduce yourself to a breadth of what online gambling has to offer, and by the end, you'll likely be able to tell which provider made your favorite slots after having a nice introduction to them all!

Casino Promotions of the Highest Quality

These things are nothing new. It's pretty rare for a site on the net to offer something like these, and if there was one, we definitely wouldn't gamble there. Why bet on a site when you can go elsewhere and have double the money to lay down? Thankfully they pulled out all the stops here, having a welcome bonus of 100%, in addition to 88 free spins. You read that right! The free spins twist is definitely welcome, and encourages you to try out the many new and interesting games they have on the site. It's a nice way to get people thinking about that sort of thing, and we don't think we'd have tried so many things if not for that little tidbit of fun they added in there.

Play Your Online Casino Games for Free!

Most games tend to be at their best when you're betting on them, and this site definitely does not change that. If you just want to have a wonderful time with the art and sights and sounds of the A List of casino providers, however, this site has you covered and then some! You don't even have to log in, you can just start playing them and enjoying everything they have to offer. Real money gets you real winnings of course, but they're all still a really good time lacking all of that and considering everything else.

We personally have to try them all for free before even using a free spin on them, but that's because we're more prudent than average! We're glad they support this feature on this corner of the net.

Play Your Online Casino Games for Real Money!

This is our preferred way to play by many orders of magnitude, and we don't think we'd stick around long on a site that didn't give us a chance to win or potentially double our money in our free time. They agree, and let you bet with the best of them, having the unified deposit method that's good to put money down across all of the money games and slots. You can play the best and brightest from all major providers here, making for a good investment if you add onto that the sign up bonus you can to spend your free spins on them.

We recommend starting for free for your first spin, but after that, at least put down a penny of your hard earned money! You haven't much to lose after all, you don't have to bet too much at once.

Casino Blog is Cute

In the age of Instagram and Twitter, it's nice to see people doing things with good old fashion blogging on any part of the internet. They have a lot of promotions going on around here, many bonuses coming out all the time, and new games being added faster than you could ever play them. The blog is the best place to keep up with all of that, acting as the platform for the rest of the site, and letting you get to know the people that work there for the kind folks that they are. We think that of all the half assed marketing blogs we've seen for this kind of thing, that this one is in the top running among all of them, and that a lot of people could learn a lot from them with this sort of thing.

Casino Forums from All Over

Because they accept players from all parts of the world and have among the largest variety of games we have ever had the pleasure of playing, you can find an eclectic and fun mix of folks here to talk with and share tips with on into the night, and in many cases, their morning if they're elsewhere!

The forum has a lot of fun features built into it that keep things interesting, and almost acts like a game in a low key way that we feel makes it all fun. It's a nice departure from how the rest of the net has grown, and feels like returning home to a cozy place as the world is turning into a futuristic space ship that can at times feel a bit cold.

Well Designed Casino App

Although things like the forum and all else don't really work on here for obvious reasons, one thing that does work on this fine little app is all the games and betting! It's actually a little easier to bet on these sorts of things with the app, though that may just be because we don't particularly like using a web browser anymore given that so many apps are better designed for individual purposes. We have never seen an app that took all the features of a site like this and reproduced them completely in itself, as most usually leave off big parts of them and force you to go to the site for that. Not here, however! You can play free or without registration and everywhere in between through the app as well, making it as good or better than anything you're used to seeing on the net.

Casino Bookie for Sports Betting!

Sports betting is one of the new trends online that everybody's talking about. You've probably got memories of old time movies that offered similar things, going around collecting money from large groups and offering them to people a chance to bet on the sports teams they've grown to love and at times hate. You can have it all explained to you too, the online world of sports betting being a far departure from what most are used to if they're used to playing slots and sticking to things like that. We had a great time learning about how it all worked, and this site itself turned us all onto the experience. It's easily our favorite surprise after we logged in, and your deposits work on this part of the site too!

World Tournaments

We're big Dragon Ball fans and hope you can forgive us the reference here. The tournaments here, however, are very similar, bringing people from all over the world together to bet and take each other's money in the skill based portions of the site. We never did many tournaments because it was always hard to work out the timing with other people when it comes to all that stuff, but we had a fun time trying it out, and it felt like our own private match played on a world stage. Lots of fun, lots of winnings, and very unique if you're sick of the same old standard slot playing that most of us enjoy.

Anyone Can Play Without Registration

Most sites of course require you to make an account and make a deposit if you have any hope of betting or anything of that nature. Not here, however! Anything you put down on this site is yours to keep if you do that, but you can play for free without lifting a finger. If you're just browsing, looking for a way to kill time, or want to see how it all works, you can do so without having to go through the usual email authentication business and all of the time and nuisance that entails. You just browse the site, find the games you like, and give them a good spin. There couldn't be anything easier than that, and everyone is welcome to do it, regardless of your region! If you do happen to be in one of the few regions not accepted here, playing for free should still work fine unless your country cracked down on you and your provider from having fun online.

Live Dealer Casino with Everyone the World Over

We haven't done a whole lot here when it comes to the live portions of the site, but we did try out the live dealer casino and had a ball with it! It's a fun way to sit down with real people in different time zones and do your Vegas act by pretending you're all Bond villains fighting over high stakes money. You can make the stakes as high as you'd like, though you are limited by your fellow players if things all go south. We had no problems when doing all of this, and had a great time the whole way through.

Cash Out When You Want

Some sites leave it on you to wait for your winnings when you want them and have a waiting period and other nonsense that keeps you from your money. Here, however, they work as fast as your bank's internet, and you get all the money instantly from wherever you are. It's as good as it gets, and all your money is yours when you need it, not when they want to give it to you!

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Payments and Promotions We Can Get Behind

This is easily our favorite way to pay online, and they did it all here with flying colors. They clearly prefer this method of payment as well, and offer anyone bonuses for trying it out and offer a guide as to how it all works. If you're into Crypto and want a discount in a sense, or free money if you want to look at it that way, you'll find nothing here to dislike and fit right in.

Casino Help on Call

Support on the internet's usually pretty great now, except for online casinos. This site is the exception to the rule, however, offering on call support when you need it, and about any topic you'd like. There isn't some weird waiting period to get someone, or lots of wait time to hear back on an email. Give them a ring, talk to a real person, and be set right on your merry way!

Many and Varied Deposit Methods Accepted

There are ways of paying on the net that we've never tried, and this site introduced us to many of them! In addition to the usual things you use to put money down online, you'll find: Bitcoin/BTC, Click2Pay, ClickandBuy, EcoCard, MasterCard, Moneybookers, Neteller, PaySafeCard, Reverse Withdrawal Request, Ukash, UseMyFunds, Visa, Webmoney, and iDeal.

Casino Payouts like a Champ

There's a reason that people trust the big gambling companies and their software online to win big money. Any old site can pretend to give you a chance to win and take all your hard earned cash. These software backers having guarantees, however, on how much of a return you'll get, and your chances of win. These games from the big companies aren't rigged, which is why you trust them and not some new hopeful you've never heard of before. Here, you can see that there's a reason people trust them, taking up the usual percentage of how often you'll win, and maybe even more if you're on a winning streak!

Admirable Mobile Casino (iPad/Android/iPhone)

In addition to playing it on the app stores of your various devices, you can also play it online just fine from there too. There's a mobile mode to all the casinos, and it works across all major devices you'll find on the market. You don't have to worry about your deposit being wasted because you can't get access to spend any of it. It's all here, it's all great, and it's all a wonderful way to play while you're on the go. It's our preferred way of playing games on the net now, and makes us feel like magic when drinking wine in a hotel room while gambling in the palm of our hand.

Great Casino Affiliate Program

Affiliate programs aren't new, but this one's good enough to seem novel! Any time you feel like sharing your good times with fellow players or promoting the site, they'll pay you as thanks! You can even finance a good winning streak just by telling some folks on your email list, and you don't have to worry about talking to them directly to get it to work. Everyone is pre-approved, all open to promoting them, and will get rewarded for it as thanks, just like it should be! Bring more people to the site. It's that good!

Rewards All Over

Promotions and the like are great, but you're also frequently rewarded in almost random ways for seemingly everything you do here. Whether you're using the mobile casino, are an affiliate, or are just playing through on your computer during a meeting, you get bonuses and offers all the time, usually being pretty good, and more than enough reason to keep you coming back to a site that likely didn't need any more incentives to get you to play and pay on it.