Feature Tour

As an Affiliate you will be able to make money by sending qualified traffic to our Casino group.

Sign up today and start getting:

  • Referral commissions and bonus commissions or other forms of earning (depending on the program you choose), paid in a timely manner.
  • Reports to help you track your success, identify your top techniques, and optimize your site performance.
  • Tips and guidance.
  • Marketing tools, such as Banner Ads, Ticker Ads, Links and e-Mailers.

This is a quick overview of the affiliate sign-in area.

You can learn a little more about Marketing Tools, Reports, Configuration and News, just scroll below.

Marketing Tools

Marketing tools are ads for you to put up in your site to promote our Casinos. These are all clickable, so once posted your visitors shall only need click on them to be driven to our Casinos.

We offer state-of-art marketing tools including banners, e-mailers, progressive tickers, and links for you to simply copy/paste the displayed code into your website and start driving your visitors to our sites.


Our reporting area equips you with a diverse array of exportable reports (PDF®, Excel®) to help you drill down your best performing website, banner, or promotional offer.

Our reports shall also serve to track your income in reader friendly designs that provide the information that is most useful for you to make well-informed decisions about your business.


There are many reasons why you may want to update your Configuration.

If, for example, your contact information has changed, you can easily update it in your profile.

Also, if your reports seem to indicate a change in market behavior or trends, you may – at any time – want to change your commission pay program, and may even change your access password.


Today’s affiliate’s time grows scarcer and scarcer as affiliates need to stay ahead and on top of the game.

We'll be sure to keep you timely posted on latest developments in connection with the Affiliate System and our on-line casinos. Here you will be kept up-to-date about new games, casino and game promotions, and the on-line gambling and casino industry in general.

Relevant information is the key to outperformance.